4 minutes


Hack your energy: How fiber helps you perform better

Key messages for you

  • Fiber and blood sugar regulation:They stabilize blood sugar levels, prevent energy lows after meals and promote a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
  • Intestinal health and performance:A healthy microbiome improves nutrient absorption, reduces inflammation, and supports energy production and serotonin production for better mood and sleep.
  • Holistic benefits of fiber:They promote digestion, energy supply, heart health and contribute to general physical and mental performance in the long term.

Do you know the feeling when you suddenly feel tired and unmotivated after lunch? This energy slump after eating, also known as "postprandial fatigue", is a widespread phenomenon. The main cause of this often lies in the type and composition of the food consumed. By adopting conscious eating habits and choosing foods that support a stable energy supply, you can avoid energy slumps after eating and stay energized throughout the day.

Fiber in particular can help you to be more efficient: If you eat foods rich in fiber, your blood sugar level not only rises more slowly after eating, but also falls more slowly. The result is a more balanced energy level, which means you are more efficient throughout the day.

Successful blood sugar regulation through fiber

Dietary fiber therefore plays a crucial role in the diet and can even have a positive influence on blood sugar regulation. But what exactly is blood sugar?
Blood sugar, also known as glycemia, is the concentration of glucose, i.e. sugar, in our blood. Glucose is one of the most important sources of energy for our body, as our brain, for example, can only function with the help of glucose. Dietary fiber works on two levels to stabilize blood sugar levels:

  1. Delayed absorption of carbohydrates: Fiber slows down the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates from food. This results in a delayed release of glucose into the blood, which contributes to stable blood sugar.

  2. Long-lasting feeling of satiety: Fiber also contributes to a long-lasting feeling of satiety. The resulting regulated calorie intake can therefore help you manage your weight and prevent cravings. A healthy body weight plays an important role in the prevention and control of type 2 diabetes.

What role does the intestine play in energy management?

The intestines also play a very important role in our performance. A weakened intestinal flora not only affects digestion. If your intestinal flora is out of balance, you also risk getting sick more quickly, sleeping worse and being less productive overall.

The intestinal flora: The central energy power plant

The intestines contain trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as intestinal flora. These "good" bacteria are responsible for the absorption of nutrients from food, which in turn are essential for the production of energy in our cells. If the intestines do not function optimally, deficiencies can occur, causing fatigue and a lack of energy.

Serotonin: The mood enhancer from the intestine

Around 90% of the body's serotonin, an important neurotransmitter, is produced in the intestines. Serotonin not only regulates our mood, but also our sleep-wake rhythm and thus our energy level. A healthy gut microbiome can therefore help combat depressive moods and listlessness.

Inflammations: Energy guzzlers in the body

Chronic inflammation is often associated with low energy levels and fatigue.Because the gut plays a central role in regulating the immune system, a healthy gut microbiome can help reduce inflammation in the body and thus save energy.

Dietary fiber: The food for our energy source

But what role does fiber play here? It serves as food for our good intestinal bacteria, which as living microorganisms have a positive influence on digestion and the human immune system, among other things. With a diet rich in fiber, you promote a healthy intestinal flora in the long term and thus your overall well-being.

How does my body benefit from fiber?

By integrating fiber into your diet, you can support your health and performance in the long term. By eating a diet rich in fiber, you influence the following important processes in your body:

  • Digestion: A healthy digestion ensures general well-being and prevents discomfort that can affect training.
  • Energy supply: The stable blood sugar levels promoted by a high-fiber diet help active people use energy more evenly and over longer periods of time.
  • Inflammation: Fiber may have anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in recovery from intense workouts.
  • Heart health: Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and improves heart health, so endurance and performance remain unaffected.

In particular, the combination of fiber-rich carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats ensures a consistent release of energy and prevents drastic fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
Reduce your consumption of sugary drinks, sweets and refined carbohydrates in favor of high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Drinking enough fluids is essential, as dehydration can also lead to fatigue. Water and unsweetened teas are the best options here.

Dietary fiber: the key to performance!

Integrating fiber into your diet is an effective way to sustainably increase your performance. It promotes healthy intestinal flora, which is essential for nutrient absorption and the production of energy in the cells. Fiber stabilizes blood sugar levels and thus prevents cravings and energy slumps after meals, so that you feel more efficient throughout the day. In the long term, a fiber-rich diet also reduces the risk of inflammation and cardiovascular disease. It also supports your digestion and thus your general well-being - key factors that contribute to optimal physical and mental performance!

Key messages for you

  • Fiber and blood sugar regulation:They stabilize blood sugar levels, prevent energy lows after meals and promote a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
  • Intestinal health and performance:A healthy microbiome improves nutrient absorption, reduces inflammation, and supports energy production and serotonin production for better mood and sleep.
  • Holistic benefits of fiber:They promote digestion, energy supply, heart health and contribute to general physical and mental performance in the long term.
Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder