Your advantages as mybacs® Rewards Member

Discover the many benefits you can enjoy with mybacs® Rewards and get more out of every purchase.

Every purchase will be rewarded

Extra points to your Birthday

Redeem points: Free gifts

Redeem points: exclusive discounts save up to 25% on your order

Save with a subscription: up to 25% compared to the one-time purchase

Save with a subscription: up to 25% compared to the one-time purchase

mybacs® Lover (subscription)

As a subscription customer, you not only take your mybacs® routine to a new level, but also your rewards benefits. Collect multiple points and also benefit from the mybacs® subscription benefits.

1€ = 6 points
mybacs® Explorer (No subscription)

Even without a mybacs® subscription, you will be rewarded for every purchase. Discover mybacs® products without obligation and collect valuable points with every purchase.

1€ = 3 points


Register with just a few clicks & easily earn your first 100 points.


Questions & Answer

What is mybacs® Rewards?

Con nuestro programa de fidelidad mybacs® Premios queremos agradecerte. A través de diversas interacciones, podrás acumular puntos y canjearlos por descuentos porcentuales en tus productos favoritos en nuestra tienda. Tu participación en el programa mybacs® Premios es completamente gratuita y no conlleva ningún compromiso.

¿Cómo puedo participar en el programa de fidelidad?

Es muy sencillo: regístrese aquí gratuitamente y cree su cuenta. Una vez que se haya registrado correctamente, le abonaremos sus primeros 100 puntos directamente en su cuenta y podrá empezar a acumularlos y canjearlos de inmediato.

How can I redeem my points?

Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de cliente. Allí podrás ver tu saldo de puntos actual y los descuentos disponibles. Compra tus productos favoritos como siempre. Durante el proceso de compra, antes de completar tu pedido, podrás canjear tu código de descuento.
  • 1.000 puntos = 10%
  • 1.500 puntos = 15%
  • 2.000 puntos = 20%
  • 2.500 puntos = 25%

El descuento por fidelidad está sujeto a un valor mínimo de pedido de 39€ y se aplica a todos los productos. Ten en cuenta que, al canjear tus puntos de fidelidad, no se puede aplicar ningún código de descuento adicional.

How many points do I need to get a discount?

As soon as you have collected 1,000 points, you can look forward to your first reward level and thus your first discount of 10%. The more points you collect, the higher your discount will be.

When do my points expire?

Your points will automatically expire after 12 months if you have not redeemed them by then. After that, a new 12-month collection period begins.

What advantages do I have as a subscriber?

As a subscription customer, you can enjoy several benefits. For example, depending on the product, you can save up to 25% compared to a one-time purchase, you also benefit from the mybacs® subscription benefits and, as a mybacs® Rewards member, you also collect twice as many points as everyone else with every purchase.

I have just signed up for mybacs®️ Signed up for Rewards but didn't receive any points for my last purchase. What can I do?

In general, points for your purchases can only be credited if they are collected after you have registered for mybacs®️ Rewards. Have you made a purchase after registering and still don't have any points? We ask you to be patient, it may take a few hours until the points are credited to the system. If nothing happens, please contact - we are always happy to help you. In individual cases or in the event of technical problems, we can manually credit points retroactively.