
Stretching with yoga - 3 exercises for you and what they do

We sit too much - every day. Whether in the office or in the home office, on the sofa or on the train - nowadays we spend an unhealthy amount of time on our four letters. And that can have a negative effect on the entire body. It is all the more important that we regularly stretch and relax our back, but also our pelvis and legs.

Yoga teacher Julia von Going Om has for us, resp. rather selected four positions for you with which you can relax your body after a hard day and do something good for yourself. Why don't you visit her Going Om website and sign up for her various online courses to be able to relax even better after or before work.

Position 1: Leg Extension - Supta Padangusthasana

Position 1: Beinstreckung - Supta Padangusthasana


Come to lie on your back. With your knee bent, pull one leg toward your chest. Then stretch your leg up toward the sky.

First grab the back of your thigh with both hands. If possible, grab your big toe or the ball of your foot with your index, middle finger and thumb. Make sure that your pelvis stays on the ground and that both waists are aligned in the same length.

Stretch out the leg that is on the floor and relax your shoulders and arms and enjoy the stretch. Once you feel like it, you can repeat the exercise with the other leg.


If you're not ready yet or need to work on your flexibility, you can use a strap for this position. Simply stretch the strap around your foot and hold both ends in one hand. It is best to tighten the belt so that you feel a comfortable stretch. If you don't have a tool at hand, you can also keep your leg bent here and simply grasp the back of your thigh with both hands.

If you want to intensify the exercise a little, you can also try to stretch the leg you are holding to the side. (The legs can be stretched or bent). To do this, place your hand on one side of your hip to ground and stabilize it - you don't want your hip to lift off the floor during the exercise.

Hold your foot overhead by the ball or toes, then open your leg to one side - just enough so that the opposite hip doesn't lift off the floor and stays connected to the earth.

Positive effect:

  • Stretches the glutes and hamstrings

  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles and lower back, as well as the hip flexors

  • Promotes pelvic mobility

  • Stimulates digestion

  • In a figurative sense, this attitude promotes personal development

Position 2: Lying Twist - Jathara Parivartanasana

Position 2: Liegender Twist - Jathara Parivartanasana


Come down on your back and pull your knees towards you. Rock your lower back from side to side for now. Then, let your knees sink to your side until you can place them on the floor. The intensity of the stretch changes depending on how far up or down you bring your knees.

Then, spread your arms out to your sides at shoulder height, palms facing up. Your shoulders merge with the earth. Lay your head down in a way that feels good for your cervical spine - preferably gently in the opposite direction of your knees.

To release from the pose, first bring your head and then your legs back to center, gently push your lumbar spine into the floor, and then switch sides.


Feel free to place a blanket or pillow under your shoulder in case it comes off the floor during the stretch. Now wrap your legs on top of each other. Straighten your top or bottom leg. You can also let both legs come straight to the ground. You are also welcome to place a blanket or pillow under your knees. You can turn your head either in the opposite direction or in the same direction as your legs.

Positive effect:

  • Has a balancing effect on the entire nervous system

  • Massages and stimulates the abdominal organs

  • Promotes digestion and helps with gastritis

  • Rejuvenates, has a strong detoxification function

  • Opens the shoulder area

  • Relieves tension in the spine and back

  • Relieves sciatic pain

  • Acts on the meridians of the bladder and gallbladder (if you stretch your arms diagonally upwards you also activate the meridians of the lungs, heart and intestines)

Position 3: Squat - Malasana

Position 3: Hocke - Malasana


Squat down, opening your legs wide enough for your torso to fit between them.

If your feet don't quite touch the ground, you can tuck a blanket or block under your heels. Otherwise, you can just sit on a yoga block. Make sure your knees and toes are pointing in the same direction.

Bring your hands in Anjali Mudra - in prayer - to your heart while using your elbows to gently push your knees/thighs apart. Press your thighs against your elbows at the same time. Imagine that you are a marionette that is being gently pulled up at the crown of your head - this should straighten your spine.

To release the pose, bring your hands to the ground in front of you and slowly straighten your legs. Then gently bend your knees and raise your torso vertebra by vertebra upwards. This position ends in a standing position.


Put your hands on the back of your head and gently let your chin drop to your chest. Bring your feet together and spread your knees wide while leaning forward. Then either clasp your hands behind your back or grab your ankles and hold on to them.

Positive effect:

  • Opens the hips and knees

  • Relieves the lower back

  • Relax the lumbar spine

  • Strengthens the ankles

  • Can relieve menstrual cramps

  • Acts on the meridians of the liver, kidneys and bladder

Position 4: Shoelace - Gomukhasana

Position 4: Schnürsenkel - Gomukhasana


You start this position on all fours. Bring your right knee to your right wrist, slide your right foot past the outside of your left knee so your knees are on top of each other.

Then open your feet to the side and sit back between the verses. Make sure that you do not sit on your feet and that both sit bones are on the floor. If this position is too strenuous or stretching, you can also sit on a pillow or block to elevate your pelvis.

Your pelvis is straight and your hips are parallel, so you avoid pressure in your knees. With your inhalation, first find length - straighten your arms and then bend forward with a rounded back. Then either place your hands next to your body or use them to stabilize your head.


Sit on a pillow or block to help tilt your hips forward.

You can also extend your lower leg in this position - this is useful if you have knee pain or if your hips are not yet open enough. You can also keep your upper body upright.

Positive effect:

  • Intense hip opening

  • Relieves the lower back

  • Stretches the lumbar spine

  • Calms the mind

  • Acts against fears

  • Acts on the meridians of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and bladder

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder