
Each bean makes a little sound

All of us experience bloating from time to time. If too much air collects in the intestines, the abdomen can become uncomfortably bloated and even cause pain due to the pressure. Normally, flatulence is not a serious clinical picture, but usually goes away by itself.

However, the gases in the intestine often form as a cause of improper nutrition, especially through the consumption of fast food or the build-up of stress. Air in the intestines is absolutely normal and the unpleasant odor that can arise is not unusual. The odor comes from gut bacteria, which produce sulphurous gases when they break down food. The perception of flatulence is different for everyone. Some are less sensitive, while others find even small amounts of air in the intestine disturbing.
As already mentioned, occasional, sporadic flatulence is nothing to worry about. However, this is not always the case, because flatulence can also appear in the form of symptoms of illness. The gases in the intestine are formed during digestion, especially when fiber or large amounts of carbohydrate and protein-containing foods are broken down. The microbes produce the gases hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide, among other things. Most gas is exhaled through the lungs by first entering the blood. However, the rest escapes through the intestines.

How does flatulence occur?

Food that causes gas:

For example, cabbage, legumes and onions can be the culprits in flatulence. In addition, greasy or sweet foods can also lead to unpleasant gas formation in the stomach. This is because the digestive enzymes responsible are unable to properly break down the nutrients. In that case, it's the bacteria's turn. When the bacteria become active, gas production occurs.
Fizzy drinks, alcohol, and coffee are also foods whose consumption can affect gas production in the gut. Furthermore, a change in diet, for example to whole grains, can be the cause of flatulence, because the digestive tract must first adapt to the unfamiliar food. Most of the fiber contained in whole grain products is completely broken down by bacteria in the large intestine. This is where “waste products” are generated, so to speak, which can lead to bloating.
In addition, fast eaters are more likely to suffer from a bloated feeling, because those who eat more hastily also swallow far more air than someone who eats moderately. This air collects in the intestines and is reflected in a bloated abdomen. Good and moderate chewing is absolutely essential and comes with a host of other benefits too!
Stress and anxiety are also factors that affect digestion and cause unpleasant symptoms such as bloating. If an illness predominates, it can be food allergies or intolerances, for example. We have listed the most common diseases that can manifest themselves through flatulence here:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Milk sugar intolerance (lactose intolerance)
  • Gluten intolerance (celiac disease)
  • Food allergies
  • Dysbiosis of the intestinal flora
  • Pancreatic disease
  • Colon cancer (colorectal carcinoma)
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Intestinal obstruction

We really want to emphasize again that these are very rare diseases that cause concern.
With us, there is nothing without a good approach! We explain to you which home remedies you can use to combat flatulence.

  1. Caraway : This spice is considered an insanely effective herbal treatment for unwanted gas in the digestive tract.
  2. Turmeric: Turmeric is also known to have a beneficial effect on digestive problems. Especially if you feel bloated and flatulent after eating.
  3. Tea: The ultimate mixture against flatulence consists of the following combination: 50 grams each of aniseed, fennel and caraway. Soak these ingredients in hot water and let them work their magic.
  4. Warm wrap: Try it with some warmth. Because heat helps to relax the intestines and can therefore also counteract flatulence. A hot water bottle is ideal for this.
  5. Massage: A massage can also help. Massaging your stomach in a clockwise circular motion can definitely reduce tension and bloating.

When should I go to the doctor?

No need to worry. Very rarely, a serious illness is the trigger for flatulence. Nevertheless, one should pay attention to the signs of his body. There are cases in which you should consult a doctor as a precaution. These include:

  • Flating accompanied by severe abdominal pain, vomiting and altered bowel movements
  • Blowing, which occurs again and again in certain contexts
  • Flatulence that lasts for a long time

But as we all know, every little bean makes a little noise and you shouldn't be ashamed of that! With the right knowledge, you can usually slow down flatulence quite easily. It is important to pay attention to your body and to take it easy on unhealthy foods. Everything in moderation!

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder