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All answers are just a click away. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us at with your request.

Zum Hilfezentrum | FAQs
  • Du bist Influencer oder interessierst dich für eine Brand Partnership?

    If you are convinced that we share the same values ​​and can achieve great things together, then please write Michèle an email to with the subject “Influencer” or “Partnership”.
  • Du möchtest an unserem Affiliate Programm teilnehmen?

    Your enthusiasm for mybacs® can pay off! Write us an email to mit with the subject “Affiliate” and become part of our partnership program! We look forward to hearing from you and to a possible collaboration.
  • Du interessierst dich für eine B2B-Kooperation? mybacs® für deinen Shop

    If you are thinking about adding our products to your range and establishing a B2B partnership, please contact us at mit with the subject "B2B Partner". We look forward to talking to you about the possibilities of working together.
Let's talk about it.

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mybacs Vertriebs GmbH

Infanteriestraße 11a
80797 München
+49 91147558163 (Mo-Fr 8:00-18:00)