5 minutes

Gesundheit & Wohlbefinden

Build up intestinal flora on an area of ​​32m2

Key messages for you

  • Pro- & Prebiotics:In yoghurt, kefir, chicory, whole grain products.
  • Dietary fiber:Fruit, vegetables and nuts promote good intestinal bacteria.
  • Fluids & Sleep:2-3 liters of water and 7-8 hours of sleep daily.
  • Avoid antibiotics:Take only when necessary.
  • Reduce stress:Exercise and relaxation help the intestines.
With a surface area of ​​around 32 square meters, the gastrointestinal tract is the largest contact area between humans and the outside world. In this area, our immune system has everyday contact with all kinds of foreign antigens (e.g. bacteria), food components, but also our own intestinal flora. The immune system must be able to distinguish all of this, because the benign intestinal flora has an important function. If the immune system attacks its own intestinal flora, chronic inflammation can form and damage the organism.
The human intestinal flora includes more than 500 different species of bacteria, which, among other things, prevent foreign bacteria from settling in our intestines. On the one hand, this is achieved by the high number of intestinal bacteria already present, which, due to their density, make it difficult for the foreign bacteria to implant themselves. On the other hand, the human intestinal flora also forms bacteriocins, which weaken foreign bacteria and can also kill them. The intestinal flora is of essential importance for our immune system by relieving it and supporting it in its work.

How can you build up a healthy intestinal flora?

The consumption of pro- and prebiotics has been proven to help build a healthy intestinal flora. But where are probiotics and prebiotics found? Logically, nutrition plays a decisive role here. Probiotics such as lactic acid bacteria or yeast fungi (i.e. the desired inhabitants of our intestines) can be found in yoghurt, kefir or sauerkraut, for example. Fans of Asian cuisine will be happy: miso and kimchi are also probiotic foods.
Prebiotics are non-digestible food components, i.e. fiber. These ensure that the desired bacteria in our intestines are sufficiently supplied with "feed" to fulfill their important functions. In order to build up the intestinal flora, prebiotics are also important. A lot of "feed" for our intestinal flora also means increased activity of our own bacteria, which can then multiply more easily and get the digestion going. Prebiotics are mainly found in plant foods such as onions, artichokes, chicory, oatmeal, whole grain bread, legumes and mushrooms.

Build up intestinal flora in everyday life

Not everyone manages to consume enough probiotics and prebiotics in everyday life through a balanced diet. All kinds of stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco and other products impair the work of the intestinal flora or damage it. Synbiotic (pre- and probiotics combined) dietary supplements can offer their support, rebuild the intestinal flora and put the rest of the organism in an increased sense of well-being.
The main advantage here is the preventive intake. You can and should do something for yourself and your health, even if you are healthy from a medical point of view. How often have we been annoyed by situations in which we were only taught better afterwards. Would have, would have, bicycle chain just...

Build up the intestinal flora correctly - these tips will help you!

The intestines, a topic that people do not like to talk about in public. Taking medication, fast food, alcohol or a lot of stress worsen our intestinal flora. The resulting symptoms such as flatulence, diarrhea and constipation can become quite uncomfortable for us. But there are far more influencing factors that restrict the function of our intestines. This includes e.g.B Fatigue, food intolerance and allergies, hay fever, neurodermatitis and numerous other things for which we are not responsible. It is therefore important to always take care of your intestines in order to build up a resistant intestinal flora.
  • Sleep: A good and sufficient sleep is the be-all and end-all. Adults aged 18-64 should sleep about 7 hours a day. Children under the age of 18 need more sleep (8-10 hours) and seniors need 5-6 hours of sleep a day.
  • Liquid: Drink enough water every day. A human body needs about 30 - 40 milliliters of water per kilo of body weight, which corresponds to about 2 - 3 liters of fluid per day. Recommended drinks are still water and herbal tea. But there is also nothing to be said against a juice spritzer and a coffee if these are not taken in large quantities.
  • Food: Prepared and highly processed foods should always be avoided. These are bad for the intestines due to the high levels of fat and sugar. Always buy natural products, these are free of any additives.
  • Probiotics/prebiotics: The intake of probiotics and prebiotics can have a health-promoting influence on the intestine. These are available both as supplements and in normal foods such as kefir, kimchi and yoghurt.
  • Food: Eat lots of high-fiber foods like fruits (apples, pears, kiwis), vegetables (broccoli, potatoes, carrots). ), whole grains and nuts. Foods with a lot of fiber please the intestines and cause them to excrete more toxins.
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics are often the cause of diarrhoea, intolerance and intestinal inflammation. If antibiotics are not absolutely necessary, you should avoid them if possible.

Key messages for you

  • Pro- & Prebiotics:In yoghurt, kefir, chicory, whole grain products.
  • Dietary fiber:Fruit, vegetables and nuts promote good intestinal bacteria.
  • Fluids & Sleep:2-3 liters of water and 7-8 hours of sleep daily.
  • Avoid antibiotics:Take only when necessary.
  • Reduce stress:Exercise and relaxation help the intestines.
Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder